Unlocking the potentials of blockchain and behavioural economics.

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Nathan van den Bosch is the Founder and CEO of Consensus Group Australia (CGA), a Blockchain and Behavioural Economics consulting company.




Feasibility studies, strategic design and development of tailored blockchain solutions and strategic plans.


Design and development of small-scale, simplified BaaS roll-out to model and test proposed blockchain solutions.

Education & Training

Gain specific knowledge to understand key blockchain concepts. Enable Senior Managers and Board Members to make informed blockchain decisions.


“Today, people are changing the world.

Blockchain and cryptoeconomics —

once a fringe phenomenon — are

finally becoming understood as

integral to destabilising the status

quo and effecting financial change!”

Nathan Bosch
B.Ec, M.Comm

Founder + CEO, Consensus Group Australia
Consultant, Blockchain Strategy + Design; Behavioural Economics